
Totalt antal spelade matcher: 8
Antal andraplaceringar: 4 (50%)
Antal tredjeplaceringar: 1 (13%)
Antal fjärdeplaceringar: 3 (38%)

Warning: Undefined variable $curvetype in /customers/f/0/0/ on line 877 Warning: Undefined variable $graf in /customers/f/0/0/ on line 887 Warning: Undefined variable $maxvarde in /customers/f/0/0/ on line 889 ]); // Create and draw the visualization. var ac = new google.visualization.ComboChart(document.getElementById('visualizationlast')); ac.draw(data, { title : 'ELO och Placering historik', chartArea:{left:80,top:30,right:70,bottom:50,width:'95%',height:'95%'}, colors:['#3b5998','#FE2E2E'], curveType: '', backgroundColor: '#f7f7f7', hAxis: {title: 'Datum', textStyle:{bold: 1, italic: 0},titleTextStyle:{bold: 1, italic: 0}}, vAxis: {minValue:'1300', maxValue: '1600',gridlines: {count:-1}, title: 'ELO', titleTextStyle:{color: '#3b5998'}, textStyle:{color: '#3b5998'},baselineColor: '#3b5998', baseline: '1500', format: '####'}, seriesType: 'line', lineWidth: '', series:{1:{targetAxisIndex:1}}, vAxes:{1:{minValue:'0', maxValue: '',textStyle:{color: '#FE2E2E'},format:'#', baseline: '1', baselineColor: '#FE2E2E', type: 'line', areaOpacity: '20', direction:-1, title: 'Placering', titleTextStyle:{color: '#FE2E2E'}}} }); }